Friday, July 16, 2004

Beginning to Reconnect

This is set to be the [un]official board/blog for the Freaks & Geeks of the Chesterton High School Class of 1989. Hope no one is offended by the title - just thought it somewhat appropriate. I wrestled with using the term "Outsiders" instead [sounds much more literary, eh?], but ultimately went with "Freaks & Geeks" because I've always been more "pop culture" than literary. Oh, and I also considered calling the site "the Gang" from CHS, but I thought that the Department of Homeland Security [that whole "Patriot Act" and all] would be on our asses if I went with that name.

SO, the purpose of this whole thing is to get the old "gang" [had to use it in this context] back together again. Beyond that, I hope that it can be a place for years to come where we can all still be in touch. I know that I'm not alone in thinking that the high school experience, as a whole, blew. BUT, hanging out with all of you made it all SO much more bearable. You all brought fun and joy during that awkward time, and for that I am eternally grateful [crying yet?].

So, I'm going to post this and begin to figure out how we can ALL use this so that we can cut down on the flooding of messages to our individual email boxes. THIS IS SO EXCITING, huh?

Oh, one last thing: I am all about Free Speech and the Rights of all human beings, and I hate to sound all "exclusive", but let's keep certain people out of the loop of this thing. The more the merrier, but remember the title - the Freaks & Geeks of Chesterton High School Class of 1989. The "cool" and "popular" folk never paid attention to us in high school, so... Can you tell that I'm still a bit bitter?

ERIC [Schmer]


At 8:04 PM, July 26, 2004, Blogger robin said...

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