Thursday, August 05, 2004

So great to hear for everyone!

I'm not sure where to begin.
OK - well I start by thanking Eric for putting this together - what a great idea! I'm totally up for getting together in December. Lets make sure we make it happen!

I guess I'll start with college & go from there--
I graduated from Purdue in Dec. 92 in Fine Arts, moved to Denver a year or so later with my finace at the time. We lived there for a year [and had a lot of fun hiking and biking] but I moved back home when things didn't work out. Then, I moved back to Colorado for about 6 months on a soul searchng adventure and ended up in Lafayette, IN - where I lived until last year. I worked at Purdue for a few years in the in-house printing operation. I left a string of disasterous relationships and my first house, which I loved, and moved back to Valparaiso to get married to a wonderful man who my sister introduced me to. His name is Al and we are happy as clams. We were married last September (27th). We have two dogs and two cats and will probably start working on the family next year.

As of late I've been working in printing and making art on the side [I always leave art on the back burner & don't know if I'll ever change that]. I have begun to exhibit my work and hope to get more out there. This fall I'm going to start my yoga teacher certification program in Chicago - so I'm very excited about that. I started taking yoga several yars ago after a bad break-up, and haven't stopped since - I love it!

I recently left my job at a local printer and am currently looking for work in marketing/communications. In fact, I logged on to quick check my email before I dug into my job searching efforts for the day - and here I am - freaking & geeking! Oh well, that's the way it goes.

I miss you all and remember those times as bittersweeet. Besides all the family crap I was going through at the time, it was so hard to be a teenager and to figure out who you are and where you fit in. You all made that a bit easier. Man, did we have fun.



At 7:46 AM, August 05, 2004, Blogger Eric said...

YEAH! Amy's here - and such a quick response time, too!

Glad to be back in touch with you!

Congrats on the marriage and the yoga certification. I'm sold on yoga as well - just need to make the time to actually do it. "Eric does yoga!?" I live in California, what do you expect?


At 10:50 AM, August 05, 2004, Blogger robin said...

Glad to see Amy is up and running, I guess we can take her off the still looking for list!


At 10:30 AM, August 13, 2004, Blogger Jenny said...

Howdy neighbor! I was wondering if you are teaching or showing any of your art in valpo. I've just started taking pottery at the studio on lincolnway by centier bank. Do you do anything with them?

At 12:19 PM, November 14, 2004, Blogger AmyD said...

Sorry I've been absent for so long. I started a job in August and have spent much less time at my computer. I have been thinking about our X-mas time get-together and hope we can all manage to meet.

In response to Diana:
A-me-BUHHHHHHHH! Acting retarded is not something I try to do much these days, but every once in a while it kicks in.

In response to Jenny:
I'm so glad you are taking classes at the Art Academy(?) I have not done anything with them, but I occasionally go in to look at art.
I started working at an art center in Michigan City and it is way cool!
I'm actually working on my protfolio today. I'm getting my images together so I can hopefully get juried into an area artists group and I also need to enter a show next month. I'll get some images posted before long.

Gotta run. Mowing the lawn for the last time this year and I'm burning daylight!
Hope to see you all in December!


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