Monday, December 27, 2004

It's not the greatest picture, but it's the best one I have to post for the group shot. Sometimes my camera takes crappy indoor pics. A good time was had by all - wish more of you could have been there. I'm more than happy to open my doors for next year if y'all want to come down to the farm. :) Posted by Hello


At 1:26 PM, December 27, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great time we all had!! Thank you to Robin and Schmer for cooking this whole thing up--I'm so, so glad that you did.

Thanks for being such a gracious hostess, Robin--everything was just fantastic. How awesome was it to see some of the old gang? Lets hope our next get together has even more of us present.

**I'm working on getting signed up correctly so I can post my own stuff. Hopefully soon.**

At 1:38 PM, December 27, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh, the above is from me.


At 6:02 AM, December 28, 2004, Blogger Rebecca said...

Diana - I sent the pictures off to Julie - she ranted on how awesome you looked. I told her you looked even better in person! :)

It was soooooooo great to see everyone.

And Robin - Owen is still talking about the awesome snowmobile ride! It was a great night.

At 7:58 AM, December 28, 2004, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Julie Anton? Braveman now, right? Please say "hi" to her for me. And thanks for the compliment!! Bekka--your pictures were very nice! I emailed some to my mom.


At 10:37 AM, December 28, 2004, Blogger Rebecca said...

Yes, Julie (Anton) Braveman...she loved the did Sheryl (Sopata) Smith and Suzi (Boyle) Shields. They all say hello to everyone.


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