Thursday, August 05, 2004

Lis is finally official!

Hi Everyone,
Here I am...I finally figured out how to do this! No computer genius here. I've been enjoying reading about everyone else, so now here's a little bit about me...
After college I was living in Chicago for a while and just wasn't figuring out what I should be doing, so in '97 I picked up and moved to New York City--well, just outside of the city in Westchester until I figured out whether I wanted to stay. Some of my college friends (Kent State) welcomed me with open arms and soon became a second family. I lived in Manhattan in the East Village for a while--figured if I was going to be in NYC, I should live in the heart of it all which was really awesome. Did a bunch of temp work finally stumbling on the offices of Clinique (the cosmetics co.), then tired of my expensive shoe box apartment, I moved to Brooklyn. Now, thanks to a tip from a co-worker I've moved to Astoria, Queens into what here is considered a huge apartment which I share with my boyfriend. It's a great, diverse neighborhood only 15-20 minutes on the subway to midtown Manhattan. [Contrary to popular belief (Robin) it's nothing like the part of Queens you see in that Eddie Murphy movie Coming To America! I have worked my way up at Clinique in their in-house advertising department as Manager of Creative Operations. Basically it's a lot of just making sure people are sticking to timetables, but it's comfortable and has a lot of great perks (only it took me 5 years to get them to hire me on as full time). So I'm finally getting settled in--definitely plan on staying in NYC for the indefinite future.
Ok, the boyfriend... He's Courtney Prescott. I met him through mutual friends. In October it will be 4 years since our first date. He's terrific. Wedding bells somewhere in the future.
We don't have a home computer yet (saving up to get one soon) so I may not write very often unless I get more down time at work or feel like staying after like now. I will be in Indiana at Christmas so I'm totally in for a reunion! I love the photos!
xo Lis


At 3:50 PM, August 05, 2004, Blogger robin said...

Welcome Lis!
Thank God you finally got it figuered out how to get on here. I' m sure Eric the "god" of this site will be pleased!


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