Friday, February 18, 2005

Hi everybody....

So what's everyone up to? Not much here. Counting down to 5pm (it's 4:59) and looking forward to the weekend with Monday off. Haven't checked in in a while, so I thought I would say hello. I really want to put up a picture my co-worker took of "The Gates"--the latest Christo project that's up in Central Park. It's pretty cool. The park is scattered with "gates" of orange fabric. If anyone's interested I can email you, or if you can help me post it/them....??? I see I have to download something and I should not be doing that at work.
Robin, how are things going? I've been thinking about you and I hope everything is as good as it can be.
Happy President's Day all!


At 10:48 AM, February 21, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lis and everyone--

I'm not really sure what to think about Christo's Gates....I think I have too much Hoosier sensability to understand it. I'm sure it's impressive up close, but on the news, this guy looks pretty much like a whack-o. I remember back in the 80's he made some spiral thingy off of Corpus Christi (I think). It looked like he made it out of giant Hefty bags. Ah, whatever floats your boat, I guess. I all honesty, I think it would be neat to see.

I read on Eric's blog site that he's an Uncle! Congrats to the Schmer (and Brian) and to Schmer's brother Jay and the Barbus Family.

Still wondering about Amber and the baby. I emailed her, but didn't get a response--I probably got lost in her junk mail, who knows. Hope all went well with all of that.

Robin--wish I could give you a big old hug from Kokomo....but I can't reach ya!! Let us know how you're holding up---good, bad, or ugly.

A little update on me--I tried out again this year for women's professional football. I'm pretty sure I'll make the team, as we never truly fill our roster. Plus, I enjoy hitting people and I think it shows. **grin** I'll let you know the scoop on that as it all develops.

Oh, yeah, I'm still lost in space. Can't seem to figure this Blog think out now matter what I do. I just hit brick walls. Yes, I am a sad, sad computer failure. But, here I am responding....where are YOU?? LOL.

Keep in touch...yes, this means you.

Love y'all,


At 11:57 AM, February 22, 2005, Blogger Rebecca said...

Hey Lis -

Email me the picture at, I'll get it posted up here for you.

Hope all is well in NYC...Indiana is blah, blah blah. Lots of rain and dreary weather. A few bits of sunshine here and there.


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