Hi from Hot-lanta!
Hi Everyone. Thanks to Eric for organizing this internet page. It is great!!
So....the short version of what I have been up to. Did undergrad up in New Hampshire at Dartmouth College, graduated in '93. When I was done with that I did a year for the "domestic Peace Corp" in Eugene, Oregon. I was working with a parenting education organization. The experience was both very rewarding and challenging. When I was done with that, I took another year off and more or less hung out in Chesterton for a year before starting medical school at University of Vermont in 95. There I meet someone and became engaged to someone who I thought was the most amazing man in the world ( I later found out I was wrong). He had his dream job in New Jersey (ewww) and so I did my internship for pediatrics there. After the first few months, I realized that the program was not what I was looking for (it was too easy). So, then I transferred to Emory in Atlanta for the last 2 years of pediatric residency. Right before the completion of residency in 2002....the engagement ended (which was a very good thing, although it was hard on me). I ended up having a job in private practice fall into my lap and joined this great group of about 6 other pediatrician. Overall, being a pediatrician is a great job.... very rewarding and have wonderful patients. I have been with this group for the last 2 years (since I finished residency) and looking at being partner in a bit.
Been living in Atlanta for the last 4 years and really love it here....the weather is great, nice people and yummy restaurants, fun things to do and there is no snow. I have been looking to buy a house here in Atlanta for the last 7 months, no luck yet. Otherwise, on the relationship front, I have had some wonderful relationships, but no Mr. Right yet.
If anyone finds themselves in Atlanta, let me know. My phone is 404/486-0850 and my email is mmar@alum.dartmouth.org
Hi Monica,
I wish I'd known you were in Atlanta a little sooner. Rob had some work to do down there and I went along for the ride. You're right it is beautiful, but I'm not a big fan of the heat. Good luck with the house hunting!
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