Checking in
Hi, all -
Hope everyone is well. Any plans to be in Cheesetown over the summer? John, Myles and I will likely be back in the area for a family reunion the first week in August, but it's not confirmed yet. Will anyone be around
Robin, how are you?? Lisa, are you out there? How's the back? Derrick, what's new with the kids? Becca, how about you, and you, Di?
Here are a few pics of of our sweetie pie Myles. He's about 16 weeks. xoxo Melissa

CUTE baby!
AWW! He's truly one of the most adorable little guys I've ever seen.
I'll be down your way next weekend, on the way to Coachella, but will, unfortunately, not have time to stop in and see you guys... unless you can convince me that it wouldn't be TOO much out of my way...
It definitely wouldn't be TOO far out of your way, c'mon... and of course, you could always stay - we have a pull out couch now for all the guests. My mom is here until Saturday, but after that, well... it's all yours and Brian's!
Love to see you!!!
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