Friday, September 03, 2004

Happy Labor Day Weekend

Despite last week's going ons, it has actually been a pretty quiet week. A few extra police officers here and there. I don't need to go near Madison Square Garden on my day-to-day travels, but friends who work in the garment district had to go through a lot of security red tape. Lots of people just tried working from home. Also lots of people left town. I can tell the difference by the lack of crowding on the subway. Last Friday I was walking out to dinner with a friend in lower Manhattan and we walked into a giant bicycle ride protest. And of course there has been lots of protesting around the area of Madison Square Garden. But it's all stuff you've probably all seen in the news.
Anyone doing anything fun for the Labor Day weekend? I'm just hanging around. Might re-paint some window sills. Very exciting.
I can't believe it's September already.


At 11:34 AM, September 03, 2004, Blogger Melissa said...

Too bad we can't all gather for picnic at Lisa's parent's house in Chesterton! Grin.


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