Friday, September 17, 2004

Hi, everyone -

Thought we needed something new on the blog - perhaps a little something to spark a discussion, eh?

Here's an opinion piece by LA Times columnist Steve Lopez - who has a penchant for "telling it like it is".... enjoy.

The Los Angeles Times,1,1068222.column?coll=la-bottom-elect2004
Kerry: This Is No Time to Channel Al Gore

Steve Lopez

September 17, 2004

Nobody cares what we think, right?

We're not a swing state. We're California, the state presidential candidates only use as an ATM. But that gives us the right to weigh in, so here goes:

Not long ago a young man knocked on my door at dinnertime, asking for donations to the campaign of Democratic nominee John Kerry.

Why Kerry? I asked.

This kid was passionate, he was focused, and spoke with urgency as he laid out a compelling case for taking out George Bush. In other words, he was nothing at all like Kerry.

With only a month and a half before the election, the question is not whether George Bush showed up for National Guard duty 30 years ago, but whether John Kerry will show up for the rest of the campaign.

Yes, I know. Kerry pops up here and there, makes speeches and moves on. But nothing sticks with me, other than the nagging sense that Kerry can't quite warm to the task.

He lost precious weeks foolishly defending his Purple Hearts, for crying out loud, even though Bush was one step removed from flying model airplanes during the Vietnam War.

Sure, the latest poll has Kerry gaining on Bush and making the race a dead heat. But if Kerry hadn't been sleep-walking the last few months, the Bush family would have been shipping furniture home to Texas by now.

How hard can this be?

Count yourself blessed if you can still afford healthcare; you're out of luck in the new economy unless you work for Halliburton; Bush waged war on the only Middle Eastern country without terrorists; Iraq is a full-blown disaster with no end in sight; and the world is less safe by the minute.

It's one fat home-run pitch after another. Kerry knocks a two-bagger now and then, but often fails to get the bat off his shoulder. He's too busy looking for a sign from the third base coach, and to make matters worse, he hires a new one every other day.

Swing for the fences, says one. No, play it safe, says another.

Talk up your own record. No, attack Bush's.

If this looks like deja vu all over again, there's a reason.

Kerry has the disease.

It's akin to multiple personality disorder, it's a killer, and it afflicts virtually the entire Democratic Party. They can't quite figure out who they represent, what they stand for, or how to explain themselves.

Republicans, on the other hand, are much more cunning. Bible-toters don't have anything in common with social moderates in the GOP, but they all come together when they have to and rally around meaningless slogans.

Compassionate conservative? Count them in.

Terrorists hate freedom? Sounds good.

Tax cuts and smaller government? You don't even have to deliver the goods. Conservatives just love the sound of the words.

The Democrats have no slogan, no idea, as ingeniously simplistic as those of the Republicans. Bill Clinton had a bridge to the 21st century, but Al Gore fell off it chasing soccer moms—or was it NASCAR dads? — while trying to hold onto the Democratic base, whatever that might be.

I had the unforgettable experience of seeing this up close, because I traveled with Gore four years ago for Time magazine and watched as he managed to blow a lifetime of breeding and experience.

One day Gore was the worldly chap who had grown up in D.C., the next day he was Country Al, boots and all, waxing about his dusty childhood on a Tennessee farm. He even changed his voice when critics said he seemed a bit dispassionate, developing a frighteningly awkward wail.

One night, while stuck somewhere between wonk and wrangler, Gore pulled off the miracle of losing a debate to W, proving to one and all that brains will get you nowhere in politics.

With prodding, as well as blistering critiques, Kerry has seemed a little more sure of himself this week, particularly on domestic issues. Maybe that — if not the spiraling chaos in Iraq — has moved him up in the polls.

But he still seems uncomfortable and uncertain out there, as if under all that hair, he's got a transmitter with Al Gore on the other end. The other day on the radio with Don Imus, Kerry was asked about getting American troops home from Iraq.

"What you ought to be doing — and what everybody in America ought to be doing — today is not asking me," Kerry said. "They ought to be asking the president: What is your plan?"

Even if he'd tried, Kerry could not have come up with a more harebrained answer. All he had to say is that he foolishly bought into the president's justification for war, and soon as possible, he'll get us out of that mess and fight a true war against actual terrorists.

"We're asking you," Imus persisted, "because you want to be president."

Kerry's response?

"I can't tell you what I'm going to find on the ground on Jan. 20."

How about his political career?

A few more answers like that, and he can share a lifetime of what-ifs with Al Gore.

Steve Lopez writes Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. Reach him at


At 1:51 PM, September 21, 2004, Blogger mikerbutler said...

Since no one else has replied yet, maybe some of you feel the same as me - neither candidate is an ideal choice. Should I even bother to vote?!?

From the time I finished college (5/93) until Aug of 2000, I had 11 different addresses and lived in 4 different states. I never registered to vote until Aug of 2000, and the 2000 election was the first one in which I voted. By the time they finally figured out who had won the election, I had been selected for jury duty. (In our county, jury members are selected from registered voters.) I wasn't pleased. We moved to Knoxville in Feb 2002, and I didn't register to vote until last week.

I don't know now which candidate I'll vote for. The reasons I'm undecided are: 1) I agree with some of what Bush has done and I also think he's made some big mistakes, and 2) I don't think Kerry will be any better. I feel like I'm just an insignificant citizen and only wealthy inidividuals and corporations really have any influence on our president, governors, senators, and representatives. So, now what do I do?

Although I've only voted once in my life, I have written (e-mail) to some of those who represent me four times. I've gotten a genuine response 3 out of those 4 times, so I kind of feel like that's more worthwhile than voting. It probably takes me 30 minutes to vote, and I can easily send a message or two in that time.

At 2:20 PM, September 21, 2004, Blogger ElisaBetsy said...

Yeah Mike, it is really tempting to just not vote! It is important to show up at the polls though, so I decided to also look at the independents since I know nothing about them. I found this website.
I haven't had time to review it yet so I have no idea how useful it will be, but the title "Human Being" caught my eye (David Morascini). Maybe he's a better option even though his profile, as far as I can see, has absolutely no info about his political stance!

At 2:33 PM, September 24, 2004, Blogger Eric said...

Yeah, this whole two party system of ours blows. Neither candidate right now is exactly floating my boat.

BUT, that being said, we still need to get out there and vote for ANYONE other than Shrub. Those of us in the securely blue states can afford to vote for an independent candidate, but those of you in any other state need to vote Kerry.

Bush is a liar who needlessly took this country to war, killing over 1000 of our fellow Americans, and has turned the rest of the world AGAINST US. It's so plain to see, and I don't know why everyone else doesn't see it. Sure, Kerry ain't necessarily the ideal, but at least he ain't Shrub.

If for no other reason, vote against Bush so that this whole,blatantly discrimatory, so-called "moral law" "sanctity of marriage" bullshit Constitutional Amendment [ban on same-sex marriage] that would forever keep your friend Schmer from getting hitched to the one he loves, thing doesn't ever even get a peek at the light of day. Kerry isn't exactly behind handing me a marriage license, but at least he's SOMEWHAT on my side.


At 12:40 PM, September 30, 2004, Blogger Melissa said...

Well, said, Derrick! I think it's important to vote as well - it's one of the great things about living in America. We have an opportunity to influence who leads. (Unless the Bush family manages to purchase Florida again by "losing" votes or coercing minorities into not voting). OOoops -that's my bitter side coming out.

Seriously - whatever your beliefs, I'm a firm proponent of expressing your voice in the voter box and, respectfully, in society. Discourse is the way we learn.

It will be an interesting night tonight during the debate!

If you all are interested in some of the bigger issues, one of the projects I oversee at work is called the Presidency04 website, which was conceived to highlight our faculty but which also does a great job of providing different viewpoints on issues that relate to the presidency - it's at

Take care!


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