Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Hello, Is Anybody Out There

Hello Everyone,
Finally there is snow here and we were able to take the snowmobile out to everyones' favorite field. I had so much fun today, as I didn't go out on the snowmobile last year due to reasons y'all know. Eric, I wish you could have been here with us today! My last post told y'all about the Pink Ribbon Riders, well Bob and I are going on one of their benefit rides in February(it was supposed to be January, but due to lack of snow they postponed it.) It is a 100 mile ride that we are going on in Michigan to promote awareness of Breast Cancer. I am currently trying to fund-raise for this effort, Lis and Courtney have already donated 20 dollars to the cause, anyone else willing to contribute can mail a check here(683 N. 600 E. Wesstville, IN 46391), made out to Pink Ribbon Riders. Come on y'all give a little something to a charity that is well worth it! The fact is, I'm really hitting this hard because there is an 88% 5-year survival rate which does not seem good enough to me! Girls, I know you seem to young for one, but please go get a mammogram. I would like to know where everybody has been, Eric where are you, Monica, Di, Kelly, Bek-Bek, Lisa, Amber, John, Michelle, Derrick, Jen&Rob,Brian,Melissa,Kathy, come on y'all lets' start corresponding, life is too short to not to. This I know believe me, ever since I've been going through this my thoughts and prayers are with you all on a continuos basis! I need to know what is going on with everyone and don't hesitate to call(219-464-7085)! It keeps me hanging on! We should never forget each other, because we were all so close. Frankly, I love you all, and I have so many memories that involve each of you that it keeps me going, knowing that maybe I will hear and see you once again! Let's not be strangers to one another, but let us grasp the closeness that we all held at one time.

Love Always to you and yours,

P.S.I told you to keep an eye on Barrack Obamba!


At 4:37 PM, January 22, 2007, Blogger randr4ever said...

I of course will be rooting for the Colts,because Peyton is the closest to my man Favre. Bob is rooting for the Bears. I think it is going to be a close game if the Bears defense plays anything like they did Sunday. At any rate we are throwing a Super bowl party here if anyone wants to attend. Thanks Di, for your contribution to the riders.

Love, Robin


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