Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A little heat in the summertime


What's everyone up to? Lis, I know you're lurking out there, I just talked with you. Diana- how's the new baby? Derrick, how are the kids? Schmer - I'm still waiting for the Coachella update since I didn't get a chance to see you. Robin, how goes it? Kel - I know you're out there too. Lisa - how are you after back surgery? Becca, what's new?

All is fine here – hot hot hot, but then being from the Midwest I should be used to it, shouldn't I? Humid here, too, which is unusual for SoCal so everyone is all in a dither. Kind of amusing.

Work is keeping me busy. Trying to prepare for a very quick trip home to Cheesetown first week in August to see my grandmother (family reunion) and my new nephew, Nicholas.

Hope all is well with everyone!


At 8:39 PM, July 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm still here. My hair is coming back, but I still have 2 rounds of chemo to go. Hopefully I will be able to publish soon.



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