Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Obama did it! I can't even express how proud I am! I am still crying! Melissa, thanks for the e-mails about him! To everyone that voted for him, thank you! Wow! You have known my stance on this man for a long time, I didn't think that this would happen this soon, but it did! What a country that we live in! Bob compliments all of my friends he meet at our last little reunion as being "a bunch of free thinkers who never let sex, race, sexuality, etc., stand in our way of loving each other and respecting each other!". He says he has never seen a group so willing to except people, but this is the way it has always been with our group, hasn't it? I love you all! Heres to the summer of 2009, when me and Bob are not only looking forward to seeing you all at the official 20th year reunion, but are also making plans to have another "mini-reunion" here!

P.S. I am doing ok! The breast cancer is staying away! I am still having trouble with neuropathy and joint pain.

P.S.P.S. Lis and Courtney cograts on your upcoming nuptials(Nov.15), sorry we are going to miss it, but we sure had one hell of a time with you in Sept.! Hopefully I can post pics soon!


At 9:19 AM, November 07, 2008, Blogger Rebecca said...

Post-chemo neuropathy and joint pain? Push some calcium-magnesium...best in capsule form and the best thing you could ever do. When my aunt, who already suffers from arthritis anyway was going through chemo, cal-mag was a lifesaver! I haven't taken advil in over a year because I use this anti-inflammatory daily. Go here:

AND go talk to East Wind Acupuncture in Chesterton. They will seriously change your life. I o there for a chronic upper trap inflammation issue...seriously...go talk to Laura about acupuncture. 219-395-9928.

As for Barack, I think the previous pics say everything you need to know about where my family sits. Indiana looks good in blue. If anyone wants to see the video of the debate...

Yes we can!

At 12:21 AM, November 12, 2008, Blogger Melissa said...

So good to hear from you!! I second the acupuncture and cal-mag supplements. I used both to help get pregnant, so I'm a firm believer.

Glad you're doing well! And YES, isn't it GREAT? Finally, some hopeful change from the fearmongering and divisiveness. I had post traumatic stress from 2000 and 2004 - kept thinking the election was going to get hijacked again. (I live in a liberal bubble, which I love, but always makes me wonder what the reality is elsewhere!) Anyhow, I am finally feeling hopeful again about our country. I guess I don't have to move to Canada...yet. :)

Talk with you soon!



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