My View of the Visit

It was SO great to see Kelly, Robin, and John. Sorry, if you were in the area and didn't get to see you. Talk to those 3 - I think I gave them all just a couple of hours each. It was a whirlwind tour - mostly involving family.
BRIEF update:
I've been living in a bubble out here in California. Can you believe it's already OCTOBER, people? I was in Indiana over a month ago - just crazy how time is flying.
I'm still working part-time at the Main Library here in San Francisco. LOVE IT. I'm taking two classes toward my Masters - should be done with the program and looking for a librarian job at the beginning of 2008. Actually, I guess I'm taking 3 classes right now, as I'm doing an internship at the Berkeley Public Library [in the Children's Services department] 2 days a week and getting credit for it.
Brian and I are well. Our two cats are well. Harriet [the Volvo] is purring like a kitten.
Brian interviewed with Lucas's [George Lucas, of Star Wars fame...] Industrial Light & Magic a couple of weeks ago. He may get some contract work there - and I'll go visit him at lunch and we'll sit next to the YODA FOUNTAIN and see all of the nifty Star Wars props they have around there!
Pizza will arrive soon and we'll be watching PROJECT RUNWAY and the SEASON PREMIERE OF LOST!