Thursday, July 29, 2004

This is my life

Schmer wanted us to post our bios on here, so here is mine. Robert and I have been married since September 6, 2003; hence our new e-mail address:
Bob is 47, he works for ISG(formally known as Bethlehem Steel). I work for Life Care Center of Valparaiso, but I am pursuing the Electricians Apprentinceship Program and I am taking classes for a steelmill workers certificate, which ISG wants you to have before they hire you. We have 3 daughters(I don't call them step-children): Sherry is 28, she is a Surg-tech in Chicago. She is married to Ivo(pronouneced Evo) who is from Slovakia and is contracted to paint new houses in the Chi-town area. Heather is 23. She has an Associates in Business through Purdue North Cornfield. She is currently pursuing a degree in Horticulture from the main campus of Purdue. She is going to Greece this fall on a scholarship. Jessie is 22. She is her third year of apprenticeship for the pipe-fitters. She is engaged to Will, who is an apprentice plumber. All 3 girls are trying to have kids, so I may be a grandma soon. Also, Bob and I are trying to have a child. We already have the names picked. If boy, Zachariah Augustus, if twin boys, then the second one will be named: Stephan Micheal James. For our first girl: Catherine Marie, if twin girls the second one will be named: Amber Elisabeth Marie. This is my bio. Hope to hear from everyone soon.

Fifteen Years In The Blink Of An Eye

I just got off the phone with Robin - I was sitting here at work and the phone rang and there was this familiar voice on the other end that I couldn't quite place... it's so hard to believe that it's been fifteen years since high school!

It's great to hear what everyone is up to and find out how they've spent those years.

I spoke with Lisa Lorenz on Friday and sent her the invitation to this blog - I think Robin did also, so hopefully she'll be online soon.

Hey - in the "missing list" - how about Mike Butler and Matt Dougherty? Does anyone know where they are?

Monday, July 26, 2004

This is great

Hello to everyone that has posted so far! This is just unbelievable, I am very happy with everyone that I have talk to so far. Mr. Scott is laughing his ass off that we are trying to plan a 15 year get together for the old gang, he hope's we get this planned. Anyway, please keep in touch. Home Phone # 219-464-7085, Cell Phone # 219-916-4946, E-mail (although this will be changing in the next few days) :
Let's get this thing going!
Love you all

Monday, July 19, 2004

Checking In

Hi, guys!
Schmer, thanks for setting up the blog... great idea!
Looking forward to reconnecting with everyone - it's been far too long.
I'm living in Los Angeles these days.  It's definitely an interesting city, but not someplace I'd like to stay indefinitely.  After living in Boston during college, I ended up traveling around for a while, living abroad for a bit and then in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and then in Chicago, with Lis Peters.  I met my husband of three years John [Luciano] there.  We moved to Los Angeles in 2001 to check out the animation scene (John's an animator).  I'm the media relations person for a medium-sized university -
As John's canadian (he's from Toronto), we have to split our time at Christmas in both places, but I'm hoping we can get back to Chicago for at least a couple of days this year. It would be so great to see you all!
Melissa Abraham [kept my maiden name, too]
323.654.2512 or cell 310.345.8698 (hey, since I have to have it for work, might as well use it for fun, too!)

Sunday, July 18, 2004

Oh, a Couple More Things...

Monica Marlowe emailed me and asked when we were thinking about getting together at Christmas time - she can PROBABLY get either the two days before OR after Christmas off. We haven't really discussed a day yet, but I guess I'm thinking that we should do it on the 26th or 27th. That's just my initial thought. Any other thoughts/suggestions/questions/comments/concerns?

If anyone is lost in regards to what I'm talking about, Robin Wilson [new last name "Scott"] and I talked about having all of us actually GET TOGETHER AT CHRISTMAS THIS YEAR. This year marks our 15 YEAR ANNIVERSARY of graduating from high school, and, while it seems like we should be having a formally organized 15 year REUNION, one doesn't seem to be in the works. SO, Robin and I figured that we'd still like to get together with those that we actually cared about in high school anyway. Robin has graciously offered up her [furnished?] basement and leftover wedding alcohol.

I still don't have a job, but I'm hoping that I will get one within the next month. If I somehow DON'T get a teaching job, then money might be tight and there would be a chance that I couldn't make it back to Cheesetown for Christmas [although, since I haven't been back there for Christmas in 4 years, maybe my parents would spring for a ticket for me...]. If/When [let's think positively] I do get a teaching job with the school district here [San Francisco], then I will get a couple of weeks off for Christmas and should have enough money saved to get my butt back to the Midwest [plus, I'm DYING to go to H&M in Chicago - why isn't there one in San Francisco yet??].

[The above paragraph is not my official "bio" - just a pathetic snapshot for the moment.]

Let's Start Using this Thing

Diana posted the following as a "comment" off of my first post the other day. I thought that it deserved to be on the front page - the submitting/posting a bio is a great idea and I think they deserve to be showcased as posts, rather than being relegated to a "comment page" where people might not find them. Here's what she wrote:

At 4:42 PM, Diana said...

This is so cool! I am looking forward to hearing from everyone. I think we should all post a little blurb about ourselves--you know, our "grown-up" lives.

I've been married for 8 years to Chuck Michel (CHS 1988). We have no kids (yet) but are hoping to adopt a newborn this fall or winter. It's very exciting for us. We live in Kokomo, Indiana. I'm an audiologist and Chuck is a psychotherapist. I play and officate sports in my spare time. I am currently trying my hand at women's professional football--I'm an offensive tackle ( --check out the website, there are a few pictures of me there, too. I'm also playing volleyball (court and sand), and I play and umpire slow pitch softball.

I still play cards with friends, and try to take their money whenever possible. Miss the old days. Loved all of you guys tons, and can't wait to get together.

Diana Sowers (kept my maiden name)
(765) 864-0362

Hey, Eric again. I sent out something from Blogger [the host of this site] to a number of you whose emails I have and trust, "inviting" you to become members of this site. Membership has its privileges - if you sign up [it's FREE and I don't think that they will spam you all over the place...] you will be able to make POSTS rather than just being able to make COMMENTS to posts. Diana, have you signed up as a member yet? Blogger seems to recognize you, but you aren't listed on my administrator's member page for this blog.


Friday, July 16, 2004

Beginning to Reconnect

This is set to be the [un]official board/blog for the Freaks & Geeks of the Chesterton High School Class of 1989. Hope no one is offended by the title - just thought it somewhat appropriate. I wrestled with using the term "Outsiders" instead [sounds much more literary, eh?], but ultimately went with "Freaks & Geeks" because I've always been more "pop culture" than literary. Oh, and I also considered calling the site "the Gang" from CHS, but I thought that the Department of Homeland Security [that whole "Patriot Act" and all] would be on our asses if I went with that name.

SO, the purpose of this whole thing is to get the old "gang" [had to use it in this context] back together again. Beyond that, I hope that it can be a place for years to come where we can all still be in touch. I know that I'm not alone in thinking that the high school experience, as a whole, blew. BUT, hanging out with all of you made it all SO much more bearable. You all brought fun and joy during that awkward time, and for that I am eternally grateful [crying yet?].

So, I'm going to post this and begin to figure out how we can ALL use this so that we can cut down on the flooding of messages to our individual email boxes. THIS IS SO EXCITING, huh?

Oh, one last thing: I am all about Free Speech and the Rights of all human beings, and I hate to sound all "exclusive", but let's keep certain people out of the loop of this thing. The more the merrier, but remember the title - the Freaks & Geeks of Chesterton High School Class of 1989. The "cool" and "popular" folk never paid attention to us in high school, so... Can you tell that I'm still a bit bitter?

ERIC [Schmer]