Republican Convention Fun Begins!
Hi Everyone,
Thought you all might like an inside scoop as to what's going on around here. For those of you who don't know, I work at the GM Building which is on 59th Street and 5th Avenue across from The Plaza Hotel. It's where the big FAO Schwartz toy store is and also the CBS offices. If you watch The Early Show, it's filmed in the plaza in front of the building where I pass through every day. (I won't be on tv because I'm always late for work!) Anyway, I wonder if they were filming what was going on this morning. A group of people coordinated a great stunt in the Plaza Hotel and this was the result.
One of my co-workers shot some photos from the ground outside and some others from inside our building from the 37th floor (where our offices are). Totally great! As you know, NYC is pretty anti-Bush (an opinion I don't disagree with), so it should be really interesting to see what goes on as the week approaches and progresses. I will try to update with any other news things that may get edited from Republican slanted press. What make this stunt more ironic is that rumor has it that Bush will be staying at The Plaza! If he's not, other high profile people will be, so it should get interesting around here as far as security goes. (Though it's not uncommon to have the side streets nearby closed for visiting dignitaries' security.)
Generally I do not get involved in politics, but for the first time in my life I am trying to learn as much about the Presidential election as I can so that I can back myself up when I say that I think it is really important not to vote Republican in this election. I know that many of you agree with me, and for those who don't, I urge you to do the same and really try to learn as much as you can about the candidates before you cast your vote.
Don't worry, I won't get preachy with any other updates, but they will inevitably be slanted to the left.
I hope everyone has a nice weekend. We get one summer Friday off per month June-Aug and mine's tomorrow! Leaving work now...
Over and out from NYC,